Sterling Ruby
HALF TETRAD (6343), 2016
Acrylic, oil, elastic, and cardboard on canvas
24h x 19w x 1 1/2d in
© Sterling Ruby Photo by Robert Wedemeyer Courtesy Sterling Ruby Studio and Vito Schnabel Gallery
It makes sense — if you live in L.A. -- to create work inspired by the picturesque landscape of the Swiss Alps. Snow is exotic. So exotic, it deserves a whole series of art devoted to snow-capped mountains, hiking trails and The Sound of Music reminiscent valleys. Entitled MIX PIZ, Sterling Ruby’s new show, which runs until 16 April, includes a broad swath of blood moon-esque brush paintings, yellow sun-coloured ceramics, mountain-inspired collages and a bronze sculpture of a hiker. All in all, it’s an ode to the European countryside and the local Swiss tongue, Romansh.