Urs Fischer
Spencer Hobo, 2016
Cast bronze, acrylic primer, gesso, oil paint
8 1/4h x 5w x 4 1/4d in
20.95h x 12.70w x 10.79d cm
The Chilean capital always has great exhibitions, dozens of museums to explore -exactly 170-, in addition to its galleries and other cultural events, hence the only thing left to say is: CDMX, you are art.
This time, the Jumex Museum surprises us with another contemporary art show that will move us, amuse us, make us reflect, go deep, discover, and why not, bring out the photographic talent within us.
That is why we give you 5 reasons why you cannot miss Lovers by the talented Urs Fischer, who proudly premieres his first solo exhibition in Latin America in Mexico City, and who also created a sculpture exclusively for the museum.