"These Days is an exhibition I have had in mind for some time now. As I think about the art and artists I choose to work with exhibition setting always becomes an immediate concern. Whether a cloistered garden in Venice, a cornfield in Long Island or an empty store front on West Broadway, I've sought to find environments that "fit" - that create an experience of art suited to the particular magic of the art itself. For These Days I've brought the location with me. Within Sotheby's new second floor gallery, S2, I've recreated the interior of my own home. I've installed works by young artists that many may find unfamiliar, an unusual experience at an uptown auction house. But, these paintings, sculptures and photographs do for me what I ask of art. They help me understand how I "fit".
I want to extend my gratitude to the artists participating in this exhibition. I would also like to express my great appreciation for all the people at Sotheby's who have faithfully supported this project."
- Vito Schnabel
Sotheby's S|2 NY
1334 York Avenue
New York, NY 10021