Ariana Papademetropoulos, Curse of the Boys with Butterfly Tattoos, 2020. Oil on canvas, 84 x 108 1/2 inches. © Ariana Papademetropoulos; Courtesy the artist and Vito Schnabel Gallery.
An orange creamsicle-colored carpet lures visitors to Vito Schnabel Gallery into another realm—that of Unweave a Rainbow, LA-based artist Ariana Papademetropoulos’s current exhibition on view at the gallery’s New York space. The plush room is sensual and juvenescent, complete with six paintings and two modular sculptures of rainbow-hued velvet cushions placed on the floor to be utilized and rearranged. Entering the magical realism of Unweave a Rainbow is sensationally transformative even before considering the magnificent paintings on view.